From SWAGGER Publications
“We’ve handpicked top recommendations to help you discover those cozy autumn flavours we all crave. Whether you’re a seasoned connoisseur or just enjoy a casual sip now and then, our guide is here to make sure you find the perfect artisanal drinks for everything from cozy gatherings to quiet nights at home.
This coffee liqueur is smooth, small batch, and house distilled by North Georgia made Reformation Brewery. Made with locally roasted Alma coffee – elevate your ice cream, booze up a milkshake, or sip into a classic Revolver cocktail as cooler temps creep in. Perfect for coffee lovers who appreciate a hand crafted spirit, or those who savor some sweetness with their morning roast. Reformation doesn’t ship, so find a friend to snag this Georgia favorite with limited distribution available in both 500ml bottles and 350ml stocking stuffers (available late November). More at reformationbrewery.com/spirits“